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There are 43 individuals named FISSE (FISSE, VIHSE, VISSE) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth

VIHSE, Joan Dirk Theodorus (# 176 ) * in 1742 in Neuenkirchen b. Rheine, + in

VIHSE, Anna Catharina Gertrud * 15.06.1773 in Recke, + in
VIHSE, Johann Heinrich (# 88 ) * 08.01.1775 in Recke, + 12.02.1845 in Dreierwalde
VIHSE, Anna Maria * 11.02.1777 in Recke, + in
VIHSE, Maria Elisabeth * 19.02.1779 in Recke, + in

VIHSE, Bernd Dirk * 06.12.1780 in Recke, + in
VIHSE, Jan (Johan) Gerd * 03.03.1783 in Recke, + in
VIHSE, Gerd Jürgen * 07.10.1783 in Recke, + in
VIHSE, Gerd Heinrich * 12.09.1786 in Recke, + in

FISSE, * 09.07.1792 in Recke, + 09.07.1792 in Recke
VIHSE, * 15.11.1793 in Recke, + 15.11.1793 in Recke
VISSE, * 26.03.1796 in Recke, + 26.03.1796 in

VIHSE, Maria Elisabeth * 24.10.1806 in Hopsten, + in
VIHSE, Maria Anna * 19.05.1809 in Hopsten, + 16.02.1858 in Dreierwalde

VIHSE, Johan Henrich * 09.07.1811 in Hopsten, + in
VIHSE, Bernard Joseph * 18.11.1813 in Hopsten, + in
VIHSE, Gerard Jacob * 25.07.1816 in Hopsten, + in

VISSE, Heinrich Benedict (# 44 ) * 06.07.1838 in Hopsten, + in

VISSE, Maria Theresia * 24.09.1841 in Hopsten, + in

VISSE, Gerhard Heinrich (# 22 ) * 21.01.1865 in Eschendorf, + 22.07.1911 in Rodde
VISSE, Josef Benedict August * 27.11.1866 in Hopsten, + in
VISSE, Bernhard Clemens * 06.02.1869 in Eschendorf, + 21.10.1871 in Eschendorf

VISSE, Johann Bernhard Benedict * 18.03.1874 in Eschendorf, + in

VISSE, Theresia Elisabeth * 27.10.1891 in Eschendorf, + 14.01.1963 in Rheine
VISSE, Anna Maria (# 11 ) * 17.04.1893 in Eschendorf, + 04.12.1955 in Rheine
VISSE, Benedictus August * 21.08.1894 in Eschendorf, + 30.01.1971 in Rheine
VISSE, Heinrich Ignatz * 03.03.1896 in Eschendorf, + in
VISSE, Bernhard Heinrich * 01.06.1897 in Eschendorf, + 06.05.1917 in Parguy (F)
VISSE, Franziskus Benedictus * 06.11.1898 in Eschendorf, + 10.09.1959 in Rheine

VISSE, Victor Carl * 30.07.1900 in Eschendorf, + in
VISSE, Clemens Johannes * 17.10.1903 in Eschendorf, + 22.07.1970 in Rheine
VISSE, Joseph Friedrich Wilhelm * 14.05.1905 in Eschendorf, + 30.12.1962 in Rheine

VISSE, Anny * 03.07.1921 in Rheine, + 03.06.2011 in Rheine
VISSE, Agnes Josefine * 02.02.1923 in Eschendorf, + 08.02.1923 in Eschendorf
VISSE, Antonia * 12.06.1923 in Rheine, + 22.10.2006 in Rheine
VISSE, Willi * 23.01.1926 in Rheine, + 09.10.1980 in Rheine

VISSE, August Wilhelm * 23.10.1931 in Rheine, + 11.11.1931 in Rheine
VISSE, Gerhard Heinrich Antonius * 12.05.1932 in Rheine, + 27.10.2013 in Rheine
VISSE, Karl August * 31.10.1934 in Rheine, + 26.08.2000 in Rheine
VISSE, Walter * 29.07.1937 in Rheine, + 26.01.1987 in Rheine
VISSE, Sophie Bernadette * 16.01.1938 in Rheine, + 13.05.1938 in Rheine

VISSE, Herbert Antonius * 05.03.1940 in Rheine, + 05.03.2002 in Rheine
VISSE, Gisela Antonia * 10.02.1944 in Schapen, + 11.07.1944 in Rheine
Last update: 10.07.2002
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